Heguru India


About Heguru

A young math whiz smiles as he has solved the riddles of the universe.

Your child is a Genius!

Japan’s largest right brain development school for children, Henmi Educational General Laboratory (HEGL) is proud to present Heguru Center within the heart of India, offering a golden opportunity for every parent to unleash their child’s true potential through an extensive, uniquely-designed brain enrichment programme. This innovative approach of high-speed data processing, photographic memory retention and enrichment of creativity starts at the tender age of 6 months up to 12 years old.

The Leader in the Right Brain development

More than 30 years ago, Hirotada and Ruiko Henmi, a husband and wife team and founders of Henmi Educational General Laboratory (HEGL) dedicated their lives to invent Japan’s most ground-breaking right brain training technique for children. Throughout this amazing 30 years, the Heguru Programme is proven to be highly effective with students achieving remarkable success, attracting extensive media coverage and widespread attention from the whole nation. The Heguru Method impressed the Japanese Education Ministry so much that this technique was incorporated into the Japan Aviation Academy HEGL Junior High School in 2006. Ruiko Henmi was also named one of the “super teachers” of Japan among many other awards.

What is the HEGL method?

Heguru Method is rigorously developed by Hirotada and Ruiko Henmi for more than 30 years. This effective early childhood education technique focuses on capitalizing on a child’s ability to absorb information as opposed to the conventional approaches of teaching.

It is known that a child’s first few years of learning are the most crucial. When their ability to receive and acquire knowledge is brought to the highest possible level, children are able to adapt seamlessly to any aspect of learning in many different environments. 

The key to this success is known as the “Right Brain” Development or training.  At Heguru Japan, these methods are refined on a daily basis and are aimed at increasing fundamental skills as early as a child’s prenatal or infancy period. Training the “Right Brain” allows a child to develop cognitive abilities at remarkable pace. 

Other than conditioning the children to attune to creativity and knowledge, Heguru also aspires to nurture positiveness and goodness of hearts within them. Ultimately, Heguru aspires to foster a future generation that is able to lead and give back to the society.

Heguru Philosophy

We at Heguru aim to nurture people who can make meaningful contributions to the happiness and evolutionary development of human beings in the world. We strive to help people develop the ability to judge matters rationally with empathy and insight. Heguru education cultivates the heart to be filled with love and bravery.